At the north end of South Keys Centre sits the Greenboro Park-and-Ride, an underutilized public asset. Its 3.8 hectares of space is currently dedicated to free parking for transit riders — but what if it could be something different? Over the next few months, BSKC will be working directly with some local architecture students to answer this question.
South Keys Centre Summer 2024 Roundup
Summer is coming to a close and while things may seem quiet on our end, there’s never a dull moment at South Keys Centre.
How much of Ottawa came to be the way it is
Understanding all the complex factors that shape the neighbourhoods of Ottawa would require a graduate degree in urban geography, however, an influential historical plan and famous French town planner can be used as a starting point to better understand the urban form of Ottawa. Before 1950, Ottawa developed what can be characterized as a laissez-faire system that led to competing […]
Ottawa and Zoning By-laws – what does it all mean?
The Zoning By-law is a more detailed set of regulations that helps implement the Official Plan. If the Zoning By-law is not kept up to date with the Official Plan, the two risk becoming out of sync.
Q&A about the proposed 2200 Bank St development
BSKC reached out to the developer with the help of Councillor Bradley’s office with some questions about the development. The answers are provided below.
Could Ottawa South be next for a multi-use winter trail?
Ottawa South resident Patricia Quigley has a wintery vision. While many other parts of the city have winter multi-use trails, the Ottawa South area doesn’t.
Three Big Changes Coming to South Keys Centre in 2024
Planning for the future takes time. Things like building new transit, housing, parks, and transportation infrastructure go through multi-year budgeting and construction processes that can be difficult for the average person to keep up with. So it’s no surprise that for the first two years of BSKC’s existence, not much has visibly changed at South Keys Centre. But buckle up and get ready, because there are a lot of exciting things coming in 2024.
Join us for our in-person 2024 strategy session
In preparation for all the exciting things to come in 2024, Better South Keys Centre is hosting a strategic planning session on December 4, 2023 to check in on our progress and plan our efforts for next year. Anyone interested in becoming more involved should attend as we’ll be discussing volunteer opportunities.
Advocacy progressing on Greenboro Pathway Missing Link
The Better South Keys Centre (BSKC) group has been hard at work progressing the vision for the Greenboro Pathway Missing Link and so we wanted to give an update.
South Keys Transit Plaza: Our Community Speaks Out
At the heart of every great community lies the shared vision of its residents. For the South Keys Transit Plaza project, we wanted to tap into that collective wisdom. To bring this vision closer to reality, last year we conducted an extensive survey gathering nearly 100 responses, aiming to understand our community’s aspirations for this central location. Here’s what we discovered.