At the north end of South Keys Centre sits the Greenboro Park-and-Ride, an underutilized public asset. Its 3.8 hectares of space is currently dedicated to free parking for transit riders — but what if it could be something different? Over the next few months, BSKC will be working directly with some local architecture students to answer this question.
South Keys Centre Summer 2024 Roundup
Summer is coming to a close and while things may seem quiet on our end, there’s never a dull moment at South Keys Centre.
How much of Ottawa came to be the way it is
Understanding all the complex factors that shape the neighbourhoods of Ottawa would require a graduate degree in urban geography, however, an influential historical plan and famous French town planner can be used as a starting point to better understand the urban form of Ottawa. Before 1950, Ottawa developed what can be characterized as a laissez-faire system that led to competing […]
Three Big Changes Coming to South Keys Centre in 2024
Planning for the future takes time. Things like building new transit, housing, parks, and transportation infrastructure go through multi-year budgeting and construction processes that can be difficult for the average person to keep up with. So it’s no surprise that for the first two years of BSKC’s existence, not much has visibly changed at South Keys Centre. But buckle up and get ready, because there are a lot of exciting things coming in 2024.
Mayor Sutcliffe tour with Better South Keys Centre
That’s why we were thrilled when Councillor Bradley of Ward 10 – Gloucester-Southgate, the councillor for South Keys, reached out to us with an idea to show Mayor Sutcliffe the redevelopment area firsthand.
Changing the world… One delayed widening at a time!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead
Want to get involved in creating positive change in Ottawa?
BSKC has many exciting initiatives underway in 2023 to transform South Keys Centre into a vibrant 15-minute community, and we need volunteers to help us get it done!
Happy Anniversary Better South Keys Centre!
A big thank you to everyone who was able to join us for our One-year anniversary meeting last night. We had a fun little round of trivia, some recaps from each of our committees, an excellent presentation from our guest speakers at Fotenn Planning and Design and then we wrapped it up with some of our priorities for next year. […]
Join us to celebrate one year!
We hope you can join us for a celebration of our first year successes and all the great ideas for next! Please register in advance. We’ll have a special guest and even trivia!
See you on Zoom on November 17 at 7:30 p.m.
Ward 10 – Gloucester-Southgate Councillor Q&A
We asked those running for city councillor for Ward 10 – Gloucester-Southgate to answer a few questions pertaining to the redevelopment of South Keys Centre.