Letter to the City re: proposed widening of the Airport Parkway

Letter to the City re: proposed widening of the Airport Parkway

The proposed widening of the Airport Parkway has been one we’ve been following and attending meetings on for some time now, but with the recent City of Ottawa budget, there is a lot of focus on it currently. While some people hear the plans and think it will help alleviate traffic, it’s much more complex than that.

Our technical team has studied the plans and attended meetings on this and has formed a position on it as it relates to the nearby redevelopment of South Keys Centre. We wanted to make public our letter to the City with the feedback that we sent to them in December 2022.

You can see the City’s plans for the proposed widening, and read our letter to the City.

Stay tuned as we’ll update you about these plans as we hear more.

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